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    • Implementation of Government policies relating to Information Technology sector.
    • Formulation and implementation of procurement policies for Information Technology related investments in the Administration of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep and sub-ordinate organizations.
    • Establishing of Centres of Excellence in Education/ Training including School for Information Technology.
    • Development of Information Technology infrastructure, including Union Territory Information Infrastructure.
    • Implementation of pilot projects in Information Technology, which are relevant to public.
    • Standardization and accreditation of Information Technology training institutions.
    • To set up/ promote agencies/ organizations and approval of Information Technology based schemes and projects taken up by UT Administration and sub-ordinate organizations.
    • Interaction with the National Task Force and other High Powered Committees set up by Government of India and other State Governments.
    • Formulation of specific projects, which are beneficial to the Union Territory of Lakshadweep, to be posed before Government of India, multi lateral funding agencies and the like.
    • To evolve strategies for utilising IT to improve citizen services and the use of IT as a tool for ushering in administrative reforms, responsiveness and transparency.
    • To co-ordinate IT implementation efforts in various departments and effectively manage this process so that a strong IT industry base is established in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep.
    • To conceive and implement strategies for human resources development essential for IT industries.
    • Initiate a system for reviewing and suggesting curriculum changes at appropriate levels.
    • To plan and implement a coordinated promotional campaign aimed at attracting IT industries into the Union Territory.
    • To formulate specific schemes and spearhead campaign for effective dissemination of IT among the people at large.
    • To develop innovative strategies to promote IT industries by way of infrastructure facilitation in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep.
    • To provide advisory support to the Administration of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep in carrying out its activities in a way conducive for IT promotion.
    • To act as technical wing of the Administration of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep on request , by undertaking projects of Union Territory Administration involving technical aptitude
    • To undertake development of software appropriate to needs and user agencies and generally deal in purchase / sales/ exchange of software.
    • To undertake Research & Development in software to access the acquisition, maintenance and use of technological aids to administration including reprographic equipments and use of remote sensing data and communications.
    • To assist in establishing or establish, run and manage data processing centers and to offer services to UT Administration and Administration agencies in sourcing hardware, software user packages and IT enable teaching aid.
    • To enter into MOUs / agreements or any other mutually beneficial arrangements with Government, Governmental agencies, R & D institutions and private corporate bodies for promotion of IT and IT industries for any activity conducive to the objects of the society.
    • To aid the industries in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep with information and support to address issues facing IT industries.
    • To act as nodal agency in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep for the generation, collection and dissemination of citizen information by integrating various sectoral and departmental data bases.
    • To establish and /or to assist in establishing common facilitation centers like Component Warehousing, Human resource up gradation support, Technology up gradation support etc . in the area of IT.
    • To facilitate the channeling of new ventures to the Union Territory of Lakshadweep in IT sector by strategic liaising with other infrastructure facilitators and other support agencies.
    • To get market studies done and source consultancy services for establishing new ventures and other activities that are aimed at promoting IT industries.
    • To liaise with national and international organizations, Universities, Research Centres, Regulatory bodies, funding agencies and such other institutions for obtaining / developing technology, mobilization of for the proposed